寄件者: Fei Huang (RD-CN)
傳送日期: Friday, August 20, 2010 3:28:56 PM
收件者: Newsbank
主旨: RE: Intel is buying McAfee?
It seems be true that the acquisition benefits Intel’s long term vision. But I’m still not quite clear on what Intel’s CEO Otellini said:
"Number two, it became pretty clear to us that the value of that offering was fairly significant, and it made sense from a financial perspective to have that value accrue to Intel shareholders." Translation: we think we can eventually make a pile of money off this deal.
I suppose it’s not talking about the long term returns, why Intel is so confident to make a pile of money off this deal? (7.68 billion is big money even for the Chipzilla).
Well, it should be interesting to see what will happen couple of months later.
Just my 2 cents here, J