2010年3月30日 星期二

FW: NEWSBANK :: Hosting Ukraine Burnt Out | HostExploit

From: Juan Castro (SAL-LA)
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:10:24 AM
To: Newsbank
Subject: NEWSBANK :: Hosting Ukraine Burnt Out | HostExploit
Auto forwarded by a Rule

Hosting Ukraine Burnt Out | HostExploit

Hosting UA in Odessa one of the main data centers and hosts in Ukraine is offline, due to a major fire.

Figure 1 Hosting Ua - Fire - courtesy watcher.com.ua

AS41665 HOSTING-AS National Hosting Provider, UAwith 144,384 IP addresses and was # 4 on the HostExploit Bad Hosts Report in December 2009 out of 34,000 ASNs (autonomous servers / hosts) compared for serving badness on the Internet. Although in the forthcoming HostExploit Top Bad Host report – Hosting Ua had demonstrated some improvement over the first quarter 2010, see forthcomingHostExploit Bad Host Report March 2010.

Figure 2 Hosting Ua - Fire - courtesy watcher.com.ua

The fire that occurred on the second floor Business Center Factory of Business St. Dal'nic'ka 46, Odessa occurred at around 10:00 pm local time on the evening on March 27th 2010. (http://watcher.com.ua). At this time there has not been any official explanation as to the cause of the fire.

Figure 3 - Hosting UA - Offline 032810

Figure3 - shows currently Hosting UA disconnected from the Internet. Of the 5,381 web sites tested on this network over the past 90 days, 291 of the web sites served content that resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed.






Juan Pablo Castro | xSP, Latin America Region

Insurgentes Sur 688 P6, 03100 Mexico City, DF, Mexico

Office: +52.55.3067.6013 | Mobile: +

