2010年8月2日 星期一

FW: iphone4 jailbreak from mobilesafari

From: Abhishek Bhuyan (RD-CA-C)
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 4:23:19 AM
To: Morton Swimmer (AV-EMEA); Max Goncharov (AV-EMEA)
Cc: Robert McArdle (AV-EMEA); David Sancho (AV-EMEA);
Morton Swimmer (RD-US); Ben April (RD-US); Newsbank
Subject: RE: iphone4 jailbreak from mobilesafari
Auto forwarded by a Rule

I tried it on my ipod touch running iOS 4.0, it works! They used pdf vulnerability to do this. Those pdf’s can be accessed from here http://www.jailbreakme.com/_/




From: Dr. rer. nat. Morton Swimmer [mailto:morton_swimmer@trendmicro.de]
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 8:39 PM
To: Max Goncharov (AV-EMEA)
Cc: Robert McArdle (AV-EMEA); David Sancho (AV-EMEA); Morton Swimmer (RD-US); Ben April (RD-US); Newsbank
Subject: Re: iphone4 jailbreak from mobilesafari


If I remember how the previous jailbreaks work, you need do modify both the phone-side OS as well as the PDA-side OS. This hack seems to initially just involve the PDA side OS as they state that you still need an additional app to unlock it. 

Anyway, I would think that the modification to the OS can be detected, if not just because you can access the alternative App Stores.


Cheers, Morton


On 2 Aug 2010, at 11:00 AM, Max Goncharov (AV-EMEA) wrote:

Can we some how evaluate it and check if iPhone backdoored ?




On Aug 2, 2010, at 16:54, "Edgardo Diaz (AV-US)" <edgardo_diaz@trendmicro.com> wrote:



“Thanks to some serious work by @comex, you can now jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad right from MobileSafari — no PC or Mac needed!”

