2010年9月9日 星期四

FW: NEWSBANK: Hurd's Top Five Oracle Acquisition Target Hit-List

寄件者: Sofia Despotidou (MKT-EMEA-SMB)
傳送日期: Friday, September 10, 2010 12:06:50 AM
收件者: Newsbank
主旨: NEWSBANK: Hurd's Top Five Oracle Acquisition Target Hit-List



Hurd Sets His Sights On Game-Changing Oracle Acquisitions

You don't hire an executive with the sales, strategy and execution smarts of a Mark Hurd unless you are looking to make some big new bets (i.e. acquisitions), the kind of bets that Hurd engineered as CEO of HP. Those big bets included HP's $13.9 billion acquisition of systems integration giant EDS, its $2.7 billion acquisition of networking stalwart 3Com and its $1.2 billion acquisition of hand-held computing superstar Palm. Oracle is about to get a facelift. Here are the five top companies that we think should be on Hurd's short list now that he is looking to remake Oracle.

# 1: CSC

# 2: Juniper

# 3: Trend Micro

Security spending within the enterprise market is soaring. So if you want a bigger slice of the enterprise pie then you better be security strong. That's why the number three company on Hurd's acquisition hit list should be Trend Micro.

Trend Micro, one of the most innovative of all the IT companies, would provide Oracle with what may well be the most robust cloud security offering in the business. That's no small competitive advantage given the big move to the cloud by companies of all sizes. Trend Micro had a strong security SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and cloud footprint years ago, long before it was fashionable.

Trend also has a critical strategic partnership with virtualization leader VMware and recently launched SecureCloud that encrypts data stored in the cloud.

# 4: Hitachi Data Systems

# 5: Terremark

