From: David Perry (MKT-US)
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 3:36:18 AM
To: Ivan Macalintal (RD-US); Newsbank
Subject: RE: [Newsbank] Why Smaller Botnets are Big Business
Auto forwarded by a Rule
NOTE: by Rental, Ivan means that the botnet itself goes out to 'rent' for further criminal or profit motivated use. This is the dominant model in the malware world today. This means that at the time of infection, the only purpose the bad guy had in mind was to capture your system. The real use only happens later.
David Perry | Global Director of Education
10101 North De Anza - Cupertino, California 95014 USA
Office: +1 (714) 846-5689 | Mobile: +1 (949) 500-2033
-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan Macalintal (RD-US)
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 10:04 AM
To: Newsbank
Subject: [Newsbank] Why Smaller Botnets are Big Business
That is why ZeuS is big business.
'....Rather than this bigger-is-better mentality prevailing, nowadays, smaller botnets are more valuable as far as the rental business is concerned. This is largely due to the success of security researchers and law enforcement in taking down some of the big botnets and their hosts.
With the good guys now able to infiltrate and sabotage highly visible botnet operations, to the point of effectively putting them out of business for weeks - a week is a very long time in online crime activity - it has become far easier and safer for the bad guys to creep under the radar using smaller botnets. .....'
To read the complete article see:
-- Ivan@FTR
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