2010年9月1日 星期三

FW: NEWSBANK:: U.S. cautions citizens on India travel

寄件者: Paul Ferguson (RD-US)
傳送日期: Thursday, September 02, 2010 2:24:03 PM
收件者: Newsbank
主旨: NEWSBANK:: U.S. cautions citizens on India travel

U.S. cautions citizens on India travel

Alert tied to Commonwealth Games, but no specific terrorist threat cited


The U.S. State Department is asking Americans traveling to India or living there to be alert and cautious during the 2010 Commonwealth Games Oct. 3-14 in New Delhi.

An alert issued Wednesday by the U.S. Mission in India notes that it has "no specific threat of attack that any individual or group is planning to coincide with the games."

But it cited an Aug. 12 "Worldwide Caution" suggesting that "al-Qaida and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks against U.S. interests" in multiple areas including Asia.

"In the event the US government receives information of any specific threat, the Department of State would provide information on that threat to the public immediately," the alert said.

It urged all Americans in or going to India to enroll with the U.S. Mission to "receive alerts as quickly as possible."

The mission said Indian authorities will be responsible for Commonwealth Games' security arrangements. Sizable crowds of tourists, athletes and VIPs will mean security screenings that will take time at game venues, it said.

Despite increased security, the mission advised Americans to "be on guard against petty crime, pickpockets, and the theft of personal property on trains or buses. Major airports, train stations, popular restaurants, and tourist sites are often used by scam artists looking to prey on visitors."

The travel alert expires Nov. 15, the State Department said.







"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson

 Threat Research,

 CoreTech Engineering

 Trend Micro, Inc., Cupertino, California USA


